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Why Having an SEO Expert at the Table is Crucial for Building a Search Engine Friendly Website

Did you know that the vast majority of website traffic actually comes from organic search engine results?  A 2019 study from BrightEdge found that 53 percent of all trackable website traffic comes from an organic search. In order to rank high on search results for Google, Bing, or other search engines, it’s crucial to build...  Read More

Jen Sipari

Google Analytics is Changing – What You Need To Know About GA4

Google recently announced they will be sunsetting Universal Analytics in favour of Google Analytics 4 (GA4), with plans of fully transitioning by July 1, 2023.  What does this mean for your analytics? Firstly, Google has made it clear that Universal Analytics will stop processing new hits on July 1, 2023 — it will be out...  Read More

Terri Carlson

Core Values Are No Joke

At Bluetrain, we are all for having some fun at work, but something we do take pretty seriously is our core values. Why? Because we strongly believe in the culture we have created with our values as our driving force. The importance of core values to our business can’t be downplayed; they impact every area,...  Read More

Bryan Smith

Outsmart the Hackers: The Importance of Two-Factor Authentication on Social Media

It’s no secret that we’re on our devices a lot, mostly due to the restructuring of both work and home life during a global pandemic. On the one hand, our devices have proven to be a godsend in terms of connecting us to each other, whether it be for work or socializing. But, on the...  Read More

Merilyn Tuazon

15 Lessons in 15 Years

As of January 16th, 2022, Bluetrain is celebrating 15 years of business! So much has changed since 2007, and as we reflect back on both challenges and triumphs, we thought we’d share some of the lessons we’ve learned over the years. President and Founder of Bluetrain, Bryan Smith, shares his insights after 15 years of...  Read More

Bryan Smith

What Does the Latest iOS 14 Update Mean For Marketers?

If you’re a human with a smartphone living in the 21st century, you’ve likely heard at least whispers of concern regarding user privacy, even if it was just from your weird family member who swears her phone is listening to her. Though that’s not really the case, no offence Aunty Cheryl, as marketers we know...  Read More

Bryan Smith

Let’s Get Social: Bluetrain and Simplified Social Join Forces

We are proud to announce that Bluetrain is joining forces with Simplified Social to offer a fully integrated approach to digital marketing. Simplified Social is an Edmonton and Kelowna-based social media firm offering both strategy and social media management services. Not only does this new team bring with them a suite of social media services...  Read More

Terri Carlson

Core Web Vitals Update: Why Google Says You NEED to Fix Your Slow Website Experience

Sure – Google has told us for years that they favour websites with a strong user experience; something that loads quickly and allows users to explore and interact effortlessly with your content. And yes, we know that improving the speed of your website has been on your digital team’s “to-do” list for the last couple of...  Read More

Terri Carlson

What to Prep For (And Invest In) for Your 2021 Social Media Strategy

Social Media is continually evolving and changing, so often that it seems something has changed every time we open the apps. Along with platform changes come transitions in what users and consumers are creating, consuming and expecting from these platforms.  2020 was a year that saw massive growth and shifts within both marketing particularly when...  Read More

Shannon Young

5 Tactical Tips to Boost Your Shopify Store’s Organic Traffic

So you’ve built your Shopify Site – now what? For a lot of retailers, it may come as quite a surprise when online sales don’t immediately pour in after they launch. The reason for this? While many Shopify Themes claim that they have ‘built-in Search Engine Optimization’, rarely is the out-of-the-box option enough to outrank...  Read More

Terri Carlson

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